How Do We "Look to Jesus" During this Election Season?
Nate Schmidt | 10.29.24

We want to reflect Christ in all aspects of our lives. That includes how we approach and think of government and being actively involved citizens. For many of us, this election cycle in particular can invoke all kinds of feelings, and yet as Christ’s church, our job remains the same: share the gospel and be a light to the world. But how do we do that in the midst of the election season?
Below are some thoughts that we can consider as a faith family for the next couple of weeks as early voting continues and Election Day approaches:
As followers of Jesus, our greatest citizenship is in heaven. We are not Americans first, then Christians. We are Christians first, then Americans. But we are Americans. And we should act like Christian Americans. But how do we act like Christians in this culture? It doesn’t need to be complicated. We act like Christ. The Word of God documents many examples of how Jesus lived and engaged with others. We encourage each other to be compassionate, loving, caring and gentle. We should ask ourselves in this election cycle, “Am I displaying the fruit of the Spirit in what I say and do? Does my life reflect the love of Jesus to a dying world?”
Relationships Matter
It’s great to be an involved, informed citizen and to apply biblical principles to how you exercise your rights as a citizen, including how you vote. However, I encourage you to remember that the relationships you hold with those around you, the influence you have on your neighbors, friends, coworkers, community and specifically how you live out your faith matters more than how you live out your political preferences. I’m not saying you can’t have opinions and strong convictions. But I encourage you to think, “Should I post this?” before posting to social media. Before you enter a conversation that could get heated because it’s about differing political views ask, “Will this hurt my opportunity to share the gospel with this person now or in the future?”
Light to the World!
Our hope is not here, so don’t be consumed by fear and worry. Yes, there is destruction and war. There is darkness all around. But, we are called to hope! We are called to be light. We are called to have peace and joy. If our minds are consumed by the darkness of fear regarding the outcomes of this election, how can we actively be joyful and hopeful?
If you are struggling with varying emotions around the election, here are specific passages from God’s Word to read and ways you can pray.
Are you consumed by fear and worry over the election results?
Read Isaiah 41:10, 2 Timothy 1:7 and Psalm 56:3.
Pray, “Lord, I’m scared. I know I’m not supposed to be, but I am! HELP. Please help me to trust You more than I fear _________. Please remind me of Your presence and promises. Encourage me with Your Word. I release my desire to control this into Your capable hands. I choose to recognize Your sovereign control over everything.”
Are you feeling anger toward your neighbors who have differing political views than you?
Read Ephesians 4:26–27, Ecclesiastes 7:9 and James 1:19–20.
Pray, “Lord, forgive me for the times that I am quick to anger. I don’t want to give the enemy a foothold in my life through anger. Please help me to, first and foremost, loath my own sin and humble me. Allow me the opportunity to point my neighbors to You in this volatile time. Please help me to realize their ultimate need is You. Give me the wisdom to point them to Truth in love faithfully.”
Are you struggling to have hope in Christ and keep your eyes on Him?
Read Isaiah 40:31, Romans 12:12 and Psalm 42:11.
Pray, “Lord, because I have been united with You in salvation, I know I have a new life, a new relationship with You, a new community and a new future and eternity! There is so much hope in that. Please remind me of those glorious truths daily and may they bear the fruit of hope in my life. Please help me to realize that there is nothing to fear, nothing to lose and nothing to prove because I am Yours. May You help me live differently because of my future hope. Please help me to be a sower of hope and not fear.”
In frustration, have you mentally checked out or feel indifferent when you should be actively seeking the Lord and praying for our leaders?
Read 1 Timothy 2:1–4 and Matthew 5:14–16.
Pray, “Lord, I don’t want to become indifferent to the situations around me. I recognize that You call me to be a light in a dark world and to faithfully engage for the glory of God and the spread of the gospel. I pray right now for these leaders ______ and _______. Save them. Change them. May they do justice and love mercy and walk humbly with You. May I be faithful in my engagement and commitment to petition You on behalf of our leaders.”
Radiant – let’s continue to shine the light of Jesus during this election cycle and beyond. Let’s choose to love God and love others as we, together, strive to point all people to a passionate pursuit of the radiant God.