Messengers of the Gospel
Nate Schmidt | 04.03.20
Over the past few weeks, the world has been rapidly changing. While circumstances can change quickly, there are many realities that are not so fickle. One of the most important truths hasn’t changed, “Who We Are”. Over the next couple of weeks, we want to take some time to be reminded of who we are in Christ.
What Does God’s Word Say About Us as Messengers of the Gospel?
We are children of God and citizens of heaven called to be messengers of the good news about Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world (Matthew 28:19–20).
Worship is the motivation and the goal of our mission. When we were still dead in our sins, our Savior relentlessly, mercifully and lovingly pursued us and called us out of darkness and into His marvelous light (Romans 5:8; 1 Peter 2:9).
God has, through Jesus Christ, reconciled us to Himself. He has not counted our trespasses against us. He has taken our sin on Himself and given to us, imputed to us, His righteousness (1 Corinthians 5:17–21).
Jesus satisfied the wrath of God. Before, we were destined for only the wrath of God. But now, Christ has taken our sins on Himself, forgiven us our trespasses and made us righteous through His perfect sacrifice and obedience. Now, by grace, through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, and have been brought near by His blood (Ephesians 2:13).
The miracle of our salvation humbles us, it delights us and causes us to worship the Lord and attribute to Him all the glory (Psalm 96:9). Our worship of the Lord cultivates in us a desire to proclaim His beauty and to see others worship Him (1 Peter 2:9). As an overflow of our worship, we embark on our God given mission as messengers of His good news (Psalm 96:1–3).
Not only has God reconciled us to Himself through Christ, He has given us a mission– a ministry. We are the King’s ambassadors, gloriously tasked to carry His message of reconciliation to the world (2 Corinthians 5:18–20). We have a purpose!
Our ambassadorial purpose, as a church, is to glorify God by pleading with the world to be reconciled to a holy God by grace, through faith, in His perfect Son. He pursues us and now we get the joy and privilege of pursuing others on His behalf. We go to the world with the good news that, “Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that He was buried, that He was raised from the dead on the third day” (1 Corinthians 16:3–4).
God has worked a miracle in us and blessed us with salvation in Jesus Christ. We now pursue others, on His behalf, by His power and for His glory, so that many will turn from their sins, trust in Christ for salvation and worship Him forever. The mission begins and ends with worship, and God promises that He will accomplish His mission (Isaiah 55:11; Revelation 5:9).
Our families, neighborhoods, local church, lives and the current global situation are all God-ordained opportunities for us to carry His message of hope and reconciliation to a world separated from Him. We are messengers of the King.