
Pray. Give. Go!

We are called to make disciples of all nations. Through our Outreach ministry, we seek to love, care for, teach and grow through relationships with local and global partners. Our hope is to come alongside these brothers and sisters for the work of the gospel. Walking in obedience to the Great Commission, we lean on Him as ambassadors for Christ to equip the saints and serve the Lord, wherever that may be.

Our Outreach Partners

Local Partners
  • Westminster Neighborhood Services
  • Sheltering Wings
  • Hope Healthcare Services
  • Avon Community Schools
  • Lifeline Christian Mission
Global Partners
  • Harvest Glasgow, Scotland
  • Harvest Georgetown, St. Vincent Island
  • Harvest Croix-des-Bouquets, Haiti
  • Harvest Ayr, Scotland

Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child (OCC) seeks to share the gospel with children across the globe through their Christmas shoebox effort. The amazing journey of a simple shoebox gift begins with you and results in evangelism, discipleship and multiplication.

Pick up your shoebox on Sundays, November 3 and 10, or during office hours November 4–8. Filled shoeboxes need to be returned to the church with your $10 shipping donation per box on Sunday mornings or during weekly office hours by Sunday, November 24.

In addition, new this year, Radiant Kids is partnering with OCC with a goal to send their own 1,000 boxes. Parents, kids and Radiant Kids volunteers will be invited to donate specific items and shipping costs for those boxes. 

Prison Fellowship Angel Tree

Prison Fellowship Angel Tree works with local churches to restore relationships between incarcerated parents and their children. Angel Tree mobilizes churches and community organizations to give children a gift, the gospel and a personal message of love on behalf of their incarcerated parent.

Radiant has committed to partner with Angel Tree to purchase gifts for 53 children. To participate, stop by the table in the church lobby on Sunday, November 17 and pick up a name card to purchase a gift for a child. Please drop off the wrapped, age-appropriate gift valued at approximately $35 no later than Sunday, December 1. This Christmas outreach opportunity is available on a first-come basis.

GO! Trips

See. Strengthen. Serve.

GO! Trips allow us to serve believers around the world, to see how God is working in and through them for His glory and to strengthen and encourage them in their faith.  

Harvest Georgetown | Georgetown, St. Vincent Island

July 13–20, 2025

This team will be spending time with our brothers and sisters at Harvest Georgetown in St. Vincent to assist them with their Sports Camp and community outreach. The team will worship with them on Sunday morning and spend time encouraging and building relationships throughout the week while serving alongside Harvest Georgetown.
*Applications have closed for this trip.

Harvest Glasgow | Glasgow, Scotland

September 24–October 1

This team will assist Harvest Glasgow with their annual Rooted conference logistics and also help them with child care for the conference. Supporting Harvest Glasgow in these ways will allow more of their people to be available to attend and enjoy the conference. This team will also worship with them on Sunday morning and spend time encouraging and building relationships with our brothers and sisters at Harvest Glasgow.
*Applications for this trip are due on April 7, 2025.

Apply Today!


Harvest Glasgow | Glasgow, Scotland

Construction Trades Trip – Date TBD

Our partner church, Harvest Glasgow, needs help with some specific construction jobs around their church building. We are looking to put together a small team of people who are skilled in construction trades (carpentry, electrical, plumbing, etc.) who can help Harvest Glasgow with these projects.

Show your interest here


Belize | Radiant Students

May 31–June 7, 2025

Radiant Students and their leaders have an opportunity to serve in Belize from May 31–June 7, 2025. The trip will include general cross-cultural exposure in Belize while we partner with a local church in San Roman. We will engage with their student ministry, visit homes of people in the community to provide needed supplies and encouragement, visit a local school, put on a VBS and do needed service projects with the church or community. Students must be over 16 to go on the trip. 

*Applications have closed for this trip.  


Harvest Ayr | Ayr, Scotland

March 31–April 8, 2024

This team will spend time with our brothers and sisters at Harvest Ayr in Scotland from March 31–April 8, 2024. They will encourage them in their ministry by serving alongside them to conduct their first ever High Five over their Easter break. Throughout the week, the team will have opportunities to encourage and build relationships while serving alongside our brothers and sisters in Ayr.

*Applications have closed for this trip.
  • “Praise God that we daily see people place their faith in the Lord and choose salvation. A lot of people go to church in Croix-des-Bouquets, but many people do not know the freedom of the gospel because there is much exclusion, tradition and not the true power of the Lord. We do not want to be just another church, but rather a church that preaches the Word of God and encourages fellowship and freedom in Jesus Christ. ”
    – Pastor Nesly Alexis, Harvest Croix-des-Bouquets, Haiti
  • “Radiant’s faithful partnership has not only made our church plant in Scotland possible, much more, their friendship (in the words of JC Ryle) has halved our troubles and doubled our joys. We are so thankful to God for them and look forward to many years of fruitful gospel partnership and friendship together.”
    – Pastor Lee Ballantine, Harvest Ayr, Scotland
  • “Many people in Georgetown have lost hope and it is hard to transform a culture so deeply embedded in religiosity rather than living for Christ. However, we do believe that every man, woman and child has an opportunity to respond to the good news of Jesus Christ and that’s where Harvest Georgetown sees the need to engage the community and point them to divine principles, so that they can experience God in a unique way. We have seen people move from salvation to transformation as God’s Word is being proclaimed.”
    – Pastor Miché Paul, Harvest Georgetown, St. Vincent Island
  • “God has used your church family to help in profound ways. I know that the idea of ‘together’ is big for your church and I would say that every person from Radiant Bible Church who has come here over the past 10 years has made a contribution to our sense of belonging TOGETHER. There has been a rare sense of commonality between our church families.”
    – Pastor Scott Hamilton, Harvest Glasgow, Scotland

Pray & Give: Harvest Georgetown

The La Soufriere volcano on St. Vincent Island, which has been silent for over 40 years, began erupting on Friday morning, April 8 and has continued erupting several times since then – sending ash into the air that is dangerous, especially for those in the northern part of the island. Georgetown is located in this northern region on the island and many people from Harvest Georgetown have been impacted. Georgetown and other areas in the northern part of the island, or “red zone”, have been evacuated and people have been either moved off of the island or to shelters in the more southern regions.

UPDATES from Pastor Miché


St. Vincent has experienced severe flooding throughout the island. Several shelters have been flooded and people who have already been displaced from the volcanic eruptions have once again been displaced. Please pray for our brothers and sisters at Harvest Georgetown as they face this new challenge.


Pastor Miché and the team at Harvest Georgetown have begun massive distribution of relief items such as water, food and other essentials. They continue to prioritize helping people in shelters and homes who have unmet physical needs. Please continue to pray for them as they work to show the love of Christ to their neighbors.


Please pray for Harvest Georgetown as there was another explosive eruption of La Soufriere on Sunday. Ongoing eruptions will make the long-term relief efforts more complex as people continue to be displaced from their homes and communities.


Another eruption happened today. Please pray for the clean up efforts which have begun in Georgetown. Also, pray for safety of the citizens as some looting has begun.


The Harvest Georgetown team is visiting people to help put together a short term relief plan. There is still no power and water shortages seem probable. More evacuations are taking place today. Today, please pray for us as we are taking supplies to a family in the yellow zone.


Spent yesterday delivering small food packages and other items to shelters including water bottles and other items. Please pray for health concerns as we are exposed to the ash and COVID-19. Pray for God’s protection.


Another big explosion and still no water.


We got some rain, in a very small quantity. Not enough to clean up the roads. We had two more eruptions last night, with lightning and thunder. We have not had water since Friday (4/9), many areas are without electricity. Drinking water is a big issue right now. Some areas got water for two hours but can only be used to flush toilets. The scientists predict more eruptions to come.