Stewarding Technology | A Self-Study
Cody Podor | 05.29.18
Technology is changing us. We are living in a time where we carry the world in our pockets and nearly anything is available to us with a few taps of the thumb. How do we steward technology wisely? This resource has been designed as a self-directed study. Below you will find links to videos, articles, and books on the subject. While you could benefit from working through the materials alone, we invite you to consider how you could work through this with your family or others.
A Suggested Way to Use This Resource
Begin by gathering the individuals you would like to work with on this study. This could be your family, friends, others in your small group, etc. Decide how you want to work through this together. Begin by viewing the first hour of the presentation below. Take notes, write down questions, and then spend some time discussing with whatever group you have assembled. Next, watch the second hour with the Q&A panel. Perhaps some of the questions you had have been addressed. For the articles, you may wish to read these on your own and then come back for discussion. You could assign each person one article that they are responsible for leading a discussion through the next time you meet. Once you have worked through all the material, discuss how you might begin to apply what you have learned. Remember, if you implement changes that impact others, it is easier to bring them along on the learning process with you, rather than impose changes upon them with no opportunity to understand why. One more encouragement: change takes time! Don’t try to do it all at once. Work your way diligently, purposefully, and prayerfully towards change.
Here is a link to a 1-hour video of Andy Crouch, author of The Tech-Wise Family, discussing insights from his book and the consequences technology may have for us as individuals and as families. The lecture is followed up by another hour of Q&A.
Below are a few articles that are especially helpful:
“What Happened When I Turned My iPhone Off” by Pastor Nick
“Twelve Tips for Parenting in the Digital Age” by Tony Reinke
“How Do You Use Your iPhone and iPad in Christian Growth?” by John Piper
“iRelationships: Love in the Digital Age” by Adam Hawkins
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