Check your roster and call all new members to welcome everyone to your group.
Share insights about your small group—size, stage of life, how long your group members have been together and why you love your small group.
If possible, meet your new group members at church prior to your first meeting.
Email everyone in your group and provide the location and time your group will meet. Communicate specifics about the first night—food, study materials, childcare, parking.
Confirm any roster changes with your small group with the Small Group Coordinator.
Begin praying for God to be working in your small group.
30 minutes before your first meeting
Make your home inviting, clean and comfortable.
Have a clear plan for the evening with questions and things you want to accomplish.
Put out snacks, drinks or dessert. Don’t overthink or overdo it, simple is good.
Set up extra chairs and ensure sufficient seating.
Make sure the room has good lighting for people to read their Bible/study.
Put pets in another room or outside.
Double check that your bathroom is clean for guests.
Give final instructions to children and thank them for sharing their home with others.
Unlock your front door and turn your porch light on.
Anticipate that God will work in the lives of your small group members.
During the first 15 minutes of your meeting
Welcome each small group member and greet them by name.
Thank each person for coming and help people feel comfortable.
Discern the attitude, mood and comfort level of each person.
Engage anyone who appears distant or by themselves.
Pull your group together once everyone has arrived.
Start with a few questions to help your group members get to know each other.
The rest of the meeting
Share your heart for small groups and what you want to see happen this year.
Introduce the study and make sure everyone has their own copy or knows how to get one.
Explain the Eight Commitments of Small Groups and the importance of mutual ministry.
Go over the dates of your small group schedule for the next month.
End your first meeting 15 minutes early and allow time for group members to connect.
Close with prayer and ask God to work in your small group.
After the meeting
On CCB, mark your attendance, share a few notes about your group and include any prayer requests.