How to Share your Story

How to Share your Story

Sharing your story is one of the most important things you can do in your small group. Stories give us the opportunity to open up and reflect on what makes each of us unique. This includes where you come from, challenges you have endured, formative experiences that have shaped you, ways you have grown, people who have influenced you and ultimately how God is working in your life.

What makes a God@Work story distinct is the specific way God has transformed your life. Your story is all about God@Work.

Before Christ

  • What did my life revolve around before following Christ?
  • Where did I get my security, identity or happiness?
  • What about my life related most to non-Christians?

Come to Christ

  • What were my initial reactions to the gospel?
  • When did my view toward the gospel change? Why?
  • Looking back, how did God prepare me for this moment?

After I received Christ

  • What are some recent ways God is working in my life?
  • How has following Christ changed my relationships, priorities, attitude and outlook on life?
  • How have I seen God to be BIG in my life?
Stories are real, relatable and personal. Stories are powerful. When we tell the story of God@Work in our lives, we join our lives with the work of God, which points to a larger story. As followers of Christ, we’re a part of the greatest story ever!