Radiant Gives

Radiant Gives

We celebrate a culture of generosity and what the Lord does in and through His people when we choose to give with open hands.


At the end of every calendar year, we take an opportunity to give over and above our regular gifts and offerings to celebrate a culture of generosity through a year-end giving effort we call Radiant Gives.

This year, our year-end giving effort will go toward Church Planting. Funds will go toward partner church plants and our local Danville church plant.

Why Church Planting?

The local church is God’s means of spreading the gospel. At Radiant, we have always been about church planting, locally and globally. This is one way we are choosing to permeate our community and the world with the hope of the gospel. Radiant Gives 2024 aligns with this vision by supporting local and global church plants.

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Radiant Gives 2024: Launch

On Sunday, November 10, Pastor Nate shared the heart and vision behind Radiant Gives 2024.

Radiant Gives

Partner Church Plants

This year, our first $30,000 given toward Radiant Gives will be split equally between partner church plants. We want to be generous as we come alongside like-minded churches who are seeking to plant. The first $10,000 will go toward Harvest Glasgow in Scotland to support them with their church planting efforts in the United Kingdom. The second $10,000 will go to Doxa Bible Church and their effort to plant a Hindi-speaking church on the southside of Indianapolis. The third $10,000 will go to Ascend Bible Church in Indianapolis, as they continue to establish themselves as a local church plant.

Praise God! This portion of our year-end giving effort is fully funded. 

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Radiant Gives

Radiant Church Plant: Danville

The rest of the funds that come in through Radiant Gives 2024 will go to our local church plant in Danville, Indiana. There are many costs to be considered when planting a church and this fund will be set aside to help. Startup costs associated with church planting often include identifying and preparing a location, outfitting the meeting space, helping secure financial stability for the first year of ministry and more.
Please continue to pray with us as we seek God’s face and favor. Pray for His power and presence, the people from Radiant who will go, a location to meet in Danville and Pastor Chris.

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If you would like to participate in Radiant Gives 2024, there are several ways to give:

  • In Person: Mark your gift as “Radiant Gives” on the memo line of your check and include it in the weekly offering at the back of the Worship Center.
  • Online: Click below and choose “Radiant Gives” in the fund field drop-down menu.

Consider how the Lord would have you participate in this year-end giving opportunity.

Please note that any contributions made after December 31, 2024 will be reflected on 2025 charitable donation statements and will not apply to 2024 charitable contributions. 

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